
APHVIN / GEHVID, collaborates internationally with several Universities. We stand out for its proximity to Santiago de Compostela - Faculty of Xeography and History, University of Ourense. We also include the Museums of Pontevedra, and Ourense and Coruna. Still in Spain, we count among others the Universities of Cádiz and Malaga. In Latin America, Universidad de Talca - Chile and Universidad de Mendoza in Argentina. APHVIN / GEHVID maintains links with the University of Bordeaux III - Michel Montaigne in view of the similarity of studies on the vineyards in Douro and the Bordeaux Graves, respectively. On the other hand,

APHVIN / GEHVID, remain a member of HISTOVID - Associacion Internacional História e Civilizacion de la Vid e del Vino. Some of the researchers at APHVIN / GEHVID have been part of the juries for awarding prizes granted by this national body.