With regard to national cooperation, APHVIN / GEHVID - Portuguese Association for the History of Vine and Wine, will continue the path already outlined by GEHVID - Study Group on the History of Viticulture and Port Wine, now extended to a spectrum broader in the geographical area, which will naturally correspond to a search for new partnerships.

Thus, in terms of cooperation with the Municipal Councils of the municipalities located in the national wine-growing regions, cooperation protocols are planned to meet the investment needs of these municipalities in historical research, in various fields (History of Vine and Wine) but also in related areas such as the history of culture, material and immaterial heritage, etc.). In a first phase, the municipalities of the Demarcated Region of Vinhos Verdes have already been contacted in this regard. There will be municipalities connected to the other national wine-growing regions.

In terms of Religious History, a segment where wine is often approached, in viticulture and in the culture linked to the rituals where the presence of this product is felt, we will continue to count on the collaboration of the Religious History Studies Center of the Catholic University of Portugal. Moreover, the study of Portuguese Catholic elites linked to viticulture, intersects with the scientific work developed in both research structures.

 The Center for Vitivinicultural Studies in the Douro Demarcated Region - Ministry of Agriculture, will continue to collaborate with APHVIN / GEHVID, in particular in the indication of places of study in the region, identifying specific characteristics of the research interest of some members of our Association . We refer specifically to the studies of farms, typologies of vineyards, indications about grape varieties implanted in the territory and their reflections in the Douro landscape. In the context of Oral History, this organism will also continue to indicate to researchers that develop field work in this area, people very close to sectors of activity of particular interest for our research, such as farmhouse owners, overseers, administrators, veteran rural workers, basket weavers, boatmen from the Douro, etc. On our part, the Center for Viticulture Studies in the Douro Region will benefit from the contribution of History, which is always necessary to a regulatory entity for planting and setting up the vineyard in the Demarcated Region, so that, when authorizing new plantings and preparing the land,        

With the Center for Regional Studies of Viana do Castelo, APHVIN / GEHVID will seek to continue the fruitful scientific dialogue within the scope of its projects related to the Vinho Verde region or others related to teaching in higher education establishments in the region.

Collaboration with CEGE - Center for Management and Economics Studies in Economic History studies on the business fabric and the Demarcated Region of Vinhos Verdes, on which 100 years passed in 2008, will continue towards the establishment of collaboration that allows the development joint research projects.

With the Center for the Study of History of the Universidade Portucalense, there is a protocol for a joint study on the elites linked to the treatment of Port wine in the 19th century. XVIII.

APHVIN / GEHVID maintains a close collaboration with the Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry of Universidade Lusófona, which has already shown some fruit in the editorial field. In fact, the interest in the study of family heritage in wine-growing areas, whose investigative interest is read in the action programs of both institutions, has resulted in the publication of several studies that, although developed within the scope of APHVIN / GEHVID's activity, deserved support from IGH.

The protocol entered into between CM Arouca remains in force; U. Catholic; CCDR-N; IPPAR; Association of the Cister Wine Route, Tourism Region of the Rota da Luz with the aim of promoting the recovery and dynamization of the Cister Route.

Within the scope of its activity, APHVIN / GEHVID maintains as associates, integrated researchers or collaborators of CETRAD - Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development, whether professors from the University of Porto or from UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, belonging to several scientific areas. The objective is to encourage multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in its scientific activity. In this context, as main achievements, we must highlight the projects that receive the contribution of these colleagues in the area of ​​Heritage and even Agrarian Sciences, whose activities should be framed in a protocolized manner. The development of cross-border research projects involving Researchers from the USC - University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Salamanca and UP - University of Porto, in various aspects of the research implies greater solidity of procedures and closer cooperation.

CVRVV- Viticulture Commission of the Vinho Verde Region, signed a protocol with APHVIN / GEHVID which contains lines of cooperation of notable importance so that the Portuguese Association of Vine and Wine can continue its activity. We highlight the provision of facilities, free of charge, so that the Association can maintain an office in the center of Porto, that is, at CVRVV's headquarters. On the other hand, and as a counterpart, APHVIN / GEHVID, committed itself to carrying out not only research work that helps to promote the dissemination of the history of Vinho Verde,



APHVIN / GEHVID, collaborates internationally with several Universities. We stand out for its proximity to Santiago de Compostela - Faculty of Xeography and History, University of Ourense. We also include the Museums of Pontevedra, and Ourense and Coruna. Still in Spain, we count among others the Universities of Cádiz and Malaga. In Latin America, Universidad de Talca - Chile and Universidad de Mendoza in Argentina. APHVIN / GEHVID maintains links with the University of Bordeaux III - Michel Montaigne in view of the similarity of studies on the vineyards in Douro and the Bordeaux Graves, respectively. On the other hand,

APHVIN / GEHVID, remain a member of HISTOVID - Associacion Internacional História e Civilizacion de la Vid e del Vino. Some of the researchers at APHVIN / GEHVID have been part of the juries for awarding prizes granted by this national body.